Saturday, December 31, 2011

Welcoming in a New Year 2012

I woulds like to thank all of my friends and readers for their support in my writing, and in my decisions in general, I may not always be perfect but I am trying to lead the best possible life I can.

I hope this year finds you all blessed and happy!! And I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  2012 is only moments away here on the west coast, but for some of you it has already come, and I pray it has come with many blessings.

2011 was a year of letting go for me, letting a friend who was dragging me down go, and sadly losing friends far to young to death, but it was also a year of learning to embrace life more, to enjoy it, to the fullest.  Which is my prayer for you in 2012 may you find success in 2012 but the greatest success is learning to be the person God created you to be and to embrace the gifts he has given you. And for my fellow Authors, I hope to see many more of your books out in 2012 !

God Bless

Italian Blessing
May your life be like good wine, tasty, sharp and clear, and like good wine may it improve with every passing year.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

From the Land of Wrimo (2011)

I just completed my Nano novel today, closing it out at 70,138  The novel I did this year The Scent of Summer a ya novel about a young girl coming to terms with an accident that changed her life forever, but she discovers too that with Faith, and the support of loved ones.  Just as the simple act of writing this Nano novel took the support and understanding of my family, allowing me the hours on the computer when I could be doing other things, like housework which despite everything I have managed to keep semi under control.  I have also managed to spend time with the boys, and work on outlining another story, not Nano related called Desert Rose, so I have been keeping myself busy.  It seems last year I was barely making Nano's goal so itfeels good to have made my goal a week and a half ahead of time this year.

I will at least not have to be pushing myself on Thanksgiving, and Black Friday, which happens to be my birthday this year, and no I really have no intentions on sitting around in some line waiting for a great discount on some electronic.  I plan on spending the day relaxing spending time with my family and friends.

Michelle R Kidwell

Sunday, November 6, 2011

From The Land of Nanowrimo 2011

I dont know who else is with me, but I am taking part in this years Nano, making this year six or seven for me.  Somewhere along the lines I lost count, but so far so good.  I am on day six and nearly at 18k so far I think I am ahead of schedule and praying it continues.  I would like to reach the halfway mark by Tuesday.  For a total of 25k.  I took part last year as well, but got a late start because I was so busy with other things, but this year I decided to jump in head first, and I am doing just that.  I am somehow managing.

I am writing a YA novel this year for Nano last year, and I believe the year before were both Mysteries, because that is what I generally write Christian Mystery.  But The Scent of Summer (The working title was beckoning, so this is the story I am telling.

I hope my fellow Nanowrimers, are having a sucessful 2011 writing journey.  And may you all have a blessed Holiday Season

In Christs Love

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Author Photoshoot for Seventh book Publication

I am sorry I know my posting have been sporatic to say the least, but I am getting ready for the Publication of Shadows from Our Past! My friend Melody of Sweet Melodies Photography was gracious enough to bless me with taking an hour out of her busy schedule to do these pics for me...

Friday, July 8, 2011

It Doesn't Seem Fair (Casey Anthony Verdict)

I don't know about you but the Casey Anthony Verdict sickened me. Shouldn't Caylee be allowed to rest in peace, but how is she going to do that, with her killer walking free, and even if her Mother did not kill her shouldn't she have reported her missing, who in their right mind goes a month without reporting their child missing? I am not a parent, but I would like to think if I were a parent I would want to do something right away, I would fight for that precious child.

It seriously sickens me that someone will not pay for this crime at least on this side of Heaven.

But doesn't the Lord say vengeance is mine, so I am sure she will face her judgment for her part in this.

Rest in Peace Caylee, you Deserved Better.

God Bless


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Balancing My Two Passions, (Writing and Publishing, Children's Ministry)

I guess sometimes even the best intentions fail right? I am writer, so writing a blog should not be that difficult and in concept it is not, but perhaps it is because I feel more comfortable in a land of fiction, where I have a little more control over my characters. And perhaps it is because I am dividing my time between two passions, working with Children at my church, (my faith pays a key role in what I write, and why).

I have for as long as I can remember been an avid reader, a good book, and I am a happy camper, but sometimes technology does get in the way, you know the blessing and curse of it all? Don't get me wrong I love, love, love my computer and could not have six going on seven books published without it. The seventh, Shadows From Our Past, the fourth and final book in The Marishka Tanya Alexei series, should be ready for release around the first of September, I know it is fast.

I am still writing though, currently on a wip called The Price I Pay, another Christian Mystery, because that is the genre, that I most often feel comfortable in writing, though I do try my head at Ya, and I have had books of poetry, and non fiction published as well, all for the Grace of God.

The Children are a joy to work with though, the pic below was actually taken by a preschooler with a vtech camera, got to love that they make digital cameras for kids LOL!

Back to the writing though, I have written the prologue and the first chapter in The Price I Pay, I have an idea of the direction I want it to go in, but not an exact clear picture, so I guess I will wing it LOL!

In Christs Love

Friday, July 1, 2011

I'm Here For You (For Amy)

I'm here for you

The way you were for me

In those early days

Of childlike faith

When I felt stuck between

A little girl lost

And a girl coming of age

Finding herself

Finding her faith

You never judged me

You just loved me

And now it's my turn to repay the favor.

Your Daddy is gone

A good man for sure

A great man more aptly put

But I'm here for you my sweet

Friend who was always there

When I needed her.

The way you listened as I told

You secrets from my past

To painful to talk about

But you were one of t he first

I opened up to

And you assured me

Nothing I could do made me deserve that

Kind of treatment.

You were the friend

That would go out of her way

In those early days of faith

To make sure I had a ride for church

And a friend to pray with

Eventhough you were raising a young family

Of your own.

And your Daddy was a great man

One I trusted easily and completely

Not easy for me

But he just had a way about him

Christ shinning through

The way he'd just hand someone

Money because he felt it pressed

Upon his heart

Didn't matter he had his own suffering

He still shined Christ's love.

I'm here for you my friend

The way you were for me.

I can honestly say

I would not be the person

I am today

If it were not for you.

Copyright Michelle R Kidwell


2:47 P.M PST

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Journey Begins Again (Publishing Shadows from Our Past)

I am currently getting ready for my final book in the Marishka Tanya Alexei series to go into publication. This is my seventh book, and the excitment begins again, but I have plenty else to keep me busy while I wait.

The children I work with bring me such joy...

The waiting I think is one of the hardest parts of the publishing process, so it does help to keep yourself busy, with postive, uplifting things, so I will continue to work with the kids I work with, and do my work for the Church.

I am afraid one of my good friends also just lost her Father, so tomorrow I am supposed to be attending a funeral Lord willing! It hurts my heart because he was such a good man, but I rest comforted in the fact knowing he is with Jesus.

Other than the new book being published and life keeping me busy, with friends, family, ecct I really don't have much else to update on... I know I should really update this blog more, but doesn't one need something to say in order to do that LOL?

God Bless

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Power to Reach Hearts With The Written Word

Last summer I was preparing My sixth book, my third Mystery published in the Marishka Tanya Alexei series for publication, and now I find myself preparing the fourth and what I perceive to be the final book in this series. I have journeyed with this family for a long time, writing about them long before I published any stories or novels to do with them, and I am sure you will hear from them again, but if my feeling is right, there are going to be other projects to focus on.

The working title for this book is Running For Our Lives: Subject to change at authors or publishers discretion of course, but for now that is what I am calling it. I somehow manage to find a few spare moments to write, in the sometimes hectic pace of my life. But as they say a writer is not only writing when they are sitting at a desk with a laptop but they are writing when they are living life. Staring out a window can be a moment of inspiration for an author.

I do not know where this series will take me but I do pray that in someways it reaches its readers. Writing to me has always been about that, reaching and witnessing, because when I write my faith is evident, but I am not trying to shove religion down anyones throat because my faith is not a religion it is a relationship. I am not going to tap dance around the truth in my books but neither am I going to shove beliefs down anyones throats, but I do pray that in someway my writing reaches others, that somehow the good Lord is using my words to reach hearts..

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Are Parents Being Heard

I went with Fran to Mikeys open house today, and it seemed like what was concerning Fran, Mikey's Mom the most was being glossed over. She would point out a concern, a kid that constantly picks on Mikey until he is to the breaking point, and everything but the issue would be dealt with?

My nephew is ten, and a very smart young man, but he has some learning issues and is in Special Ed, still he reads well, and is intelligent. But how can a child learn when they are being picked on till the point of snapping? And having a teacher not really acknowledge the issue, or just gloss over it, really isn't that helpful.

Shouldn't the teacher listen to what the parent has to say?

I for one think they should especially if it is affecting the childs ability to learn.

In Christs Love

Friday, May 13, 2011

Where Does the Time Go

Where Does the Time Go??May 13th already and little Ethan graduated from preschool today, where does the time go, my best friend J had her birthday the big 33, hope you had an awesome day friend...

Little Ethans Mom Fran and I have been friends since we were little kids, and now she has kids of her own and her youngest Little Ethan is going into preschool. Mikey is ten already, and I can remember when he was born.

I am proud of these boys and proud of the fact that in a couple of week my niece Amber will be graduating eighth grade, wow time sure does fly doesn't it?

Friends play an important part of my lfie and I am blessed to have friends who are like family to me. The picture above was taken after a fuernal but we knew that the person who had passed was no longer suffering and that does bring a measure of comfort.

On another please pray for the precious little boy in the first picture above, a friends son who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma in November.2010 he just had a stem cell transplant, and his body is enduring a lot right now with the harsh chemo, this precious little boy can use your prayer. His name is Elijah and he is truly a fighter...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Preadator: Terri Blackstock: A Review

Terri Blackstock
Copyright 2010

Twenty Five Year Old Krista Carmichael does not want to believe her fourteen year old Sister is dead, murdered by someone who was stalking her on a social network called GrapeVyne, but when she is called to idenitfy the body of a girl partially buried in the woods there is no denying what has happened. When she looks at her Sisters Grapevyne Page she is surprised at how easy her Sister made it, by posting personal information for everyone to read, and it quickly turns into a crusade not only to find her sisters killer but to educate others of the danger of telling to much on Social Networks. The Crusade leads her to Ryan Adkins the creator of Grapevyne which he started in his college dorm.

When another young woman is attacked raped and nearly killed and her roomate killed it leads both Krista and Ryan into action to find the Predator, the one who is out trying to stalk and murder innocent women, but the path can lead them both into danger.

Will they discover the killer before its to late, or will the killer target them?

Definitely a book that I recomend we read, and have young adults read, because though fiction it deals with very real issues, and gets you to thinking about the way you act on Social Networks!!!

God Bless

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Be Done With the Nit Picking Lets Start Living Like Christians!!!

Why is it so often we are quick to judge?
Didn't Christ call us not to judge, and I am not talking about pointing out right from wrong, because that is not judgment, judgment is treating someone differently for the mistakes they make or the things they have done wrong or simply judging becase of something they could not help.

We judge others because they do things that we might not do, but again is that really our place.

I mean there are some things that are clearly wrong and should be punished, but is it really helpful to point out everyones smallest fault, there every mistake?

I believe we should point out right and wrong of course, but I do not believe we should beat a person down until they feel like there is no way they are worthy, because the fact is it is not about worth, it's about love.

The love that put Jesus on the cross for us.

God Bless

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What is Sin to One: A Timely Reminder

I was thinking about what I was going to blog on this weekend, and then it came to me.

Why not judge on why some Christians feel the need to judge each other.

It happened to me today, over a simple facebook game I play.

I wondered what gave the person the right to judge me?

What made them have the right to point out my lack of convictions when they themselves are not perfect?

I can tolerate having a spirtual mentor in my life explaining to me why something may be wrong, but someone simply saying its wrong, and you are a dissapointment, all over a game. It just didn't seem right.

Jesus reminded others he who is without sin cast the first stone.

No one could cast that stone could they except for Christ himself and Christ choose not to Cast the stone.

Shouldn't that tell us something.

I like what a dear Sister in the Lord, and older lady explained once, at a Bible Study, she reminded us, what is sin to one may not be to another. I am not talking about the things that the Bible directly forbids, but other things.

We can make anything a crutch if we lean on it to hard and to long, so instead lets lean on the Lord.

And for goodness sakes, I don't think a game is going to send me directly to Hell, I think my heart is what counts don't you?

God Bless

Friday, January 21, 2011

Finding Star (A Hard Story to Tell)

Have you ever felt God telling you to write a story, but finding your heart tugging with each scene you wrote?

I feel that way about Finding Star?

How does one write about such abuse endured by a child without feeling emotionally drained after doing so?

Even though this story is fiction sadly abuse happens, and that is what makes this story so hard to tell, while at the same time making me feel the calling to write it.

I am only about seven pages into Finding Star now, but I am sure it will expand in time.

I was actually given this story, in a very vivid and real dream, and have had a couple of others since then that have led to more scenes in this story.

It is not an easy story to tell, but one I feel God has asked me to tell, so I know that he will give me the strength to write this very difficult piece of fiction.

In Christs Love

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Even In Sorrow Hope Iluminuates

Some people tend to think I have a "Pollyanna complex" because I try to look at the good in all things, but I must admit I am far from perfect, and I get frustrated and hurt but I do see Hope even in the darker moments of life, why because I have Christ!

Like today, in the midst of a hard time, after a friends Aunt passing yesterday, and getting a break up voice mail from the man I thought loved me I heard of good news, Gabrielle Gifford, who was shot in the horrible Tuscon Masacre, stood up for the first time, not a small thing for someone who was shot in the head.

I am reminded in so many ways that God's Grace is there, even in the darker moments of life, though I hate to admit it sometimes I am blind to that very fact.

I am a Christian yes and that in itself gives me hope, but I am human so I stumble and fall, but I celebrate victories as well, my own, and those around me. Even those I have never met!

I want the Lord to touch each and everyone of our lives, and I know he does, but it is up to us to choose to see that Illumuminating Hope that he brings.

I am going to do my best to be a vessel that God uses to bring Hope, whether it be through my books, or simply friendships, and family. I want to be a vessel.

But I must admit I know at times I am that broken vessel.

God Bless

Monday, January 17, 2011

During TImes Like This

Well its my first blog of the new year. I wanted to blog more regulary this year, lets see if I can actually keep that goal.

I am currently working on a story the Lord gave to me in a dream that was so vivid I thought I'd wake up and find the characters sitting next to me. Such a powerful story, and not an easy one to write, but one that I feel the Lord is calling me to write nonetheless.

Like so many others my heart was grieved by the tragedy in Tuscon, but things closer to home have grieved me as well, friends and family who are sick but I know the Lord's hand is in everything. Although at times I seriously do get frustrated.

During times like this I am so glad that I have a relationship with the Lord, because if I didn't I would become a bitter angry, snappy person, but the Lord has given me the grace to get through difficult times, and he has given me a gift for words.

Some people think I am to forgiving, but I forgive because God has told me to forgive, and because he first forgave me.

God Bless