Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Even In Sorrow Hope Iluminuates

Some people tend to think I have a "Pollyanna complex" because I try to look at the good in all things, but I must admit I am far from perfect, and I get frustrated and hurt but I do see Hope even in the darker moments of life, why because I have Christ!

Like today, in the midst of a hard time, after a friends Aunt passing yesterday, and getting a break up voice mail from the man I thought loved me I heard of good news, Gabrielle Gifford, who was shot in the horrible Tuscon Masacre, stood up for the first time, not a small thing for someone who was shot in the head.

I am reminded in so many ways that God's Grace is there, even in the darker moments of life, though I hate to admit it sometimes I am blind to that very fact.

I am a Christian yes and that in itself gives me hope, but I am human so I stumble and fall, but I celebrate victories as well, my own, and those around me. Even those I have never met!

I want the Lord to touch each and everyone of our lives, and I know he does, but it is up to us to choose to see that Illumuminating Hope that he brings.

I am going to do my best to be a vessel that God uses to bring Hope, whether it be through my books, or simply friendships, and family. I want to be a vessel.

But I must admit I know at times I am that broken vessel.

God Bless

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