Thursday, December 30, 2010

Farewell 2010

This will probably be my last blog of the year, unless I get seriously inspired to write something in the next twenty four hours or so. It's been a year of hellos and goodbyes, friends come into my life, go and come back and go again, but it shows me who my true friends are. And what matters to me most is of course the good Lord, but my family and true friends they matter to me too, in fact i care about many things, but at times I feel like I can't take anymore of some peoples not wanting to own up to the mistakes I made, and yes I make mistakes too, but what is it with some people who get it in their heads, that they don't have to live with what they have done...

I know one thing the last six months especially has taught me is that I need to spend more time with the Lord and less time with those friends who prove to be anything but...

I am not trying to be judgemental but I truly believe I have got to let somethings go and just pray for certain people because what more can I truly do? At times I feel that I have been all prayed out, but I know the Lord gives me the words I need and thats what matters.

For 2011 I want to work more on what I am doing with the Childrens ministry, I am believing that 2011 is going to show little Elijah healed and well again!!!! I am also proud to watch my niece grow up!!! She is fourteen now, and will be graduating from Middle School going into Highschool. Can it really be so close that she is off to college? And I believe she is going to make something great of herself!!! I see the future shinning bright for her!!! But for the Grace of God!

In Christs Love

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