Thursday, December 30, 2010

Farewell 2010

This will probably be my last blog of the year, unless I get seriously inspired to write something in the next twenty four hours or so. It's been a year of hellos and goodbyes, friends come into my life, go and come back and go again, but it shows me who my true friends are. And what matters to me most is of course the good Lord, but my family and true friends they matter to me too, in fact i care about many things, but at times I feel like I can't take anymore of some peoples not wanting to own up to the mistakes I made, and yes I make mistakes too, but what is it with some people who get it in their heads, that they don't have to live with what they have done...

I know one thing the last six months especially has taught me is that I need to spend more time with the Lord and less time with those friends who prove to be anything but...

I am not trying to be judgemental but I truly believe I have got to let somethings go and just pray for certain people because what more can I truly do? At times I feel that I have been all prayed out, but I know the Lord gives me the words I need and thats what matters.

For 2011 I want to work more on what I am doing with the Childrens ministry, I am believing that 2011 is going to show little Elijah healed and well again!!!! I am also proud to watch my niece grow up!!! She is fourteen now, and will be graduating from Middle School going into Highschool. Can it really be so close that she is off to college? And I believe she is going to make something great of herself!!! I see the future shinning bright for her!!! But for the Grace of God!

In Christs Love

Friday, December 24, 2010

Let Me Celebrate The True Meaning~

Merry CHRISTmas from my heart to yours!

So much to celebrate this day, and yes there is still sadness and sorrow in the world but when you serve the Lord of Lord and the king of kings you know that "this to shall pass"

So instead of getting wrapped up in the hussle and bussle of the Season, getting stuck on the commercialism, the whats gift is hot and whats not of the Season I want to celebrate the gift of Salvation, and of Family and friends, those I care so deeply about.

Now I love the Spirit of giving don't get me wrong! And I enjoy finding little gifts for those I care about, but the greatest gift can not be bought with any amount of dollars, they were bought with his blood.

I want to see my friends and family happy and loved!

I am belieiving for Little Elijah to be healed.

I am believing for a finacial miracle for Karen and Karla!

I am believing for my loved ones who are not saved, to be surrounded by his love.

May everyone have a MERRY CHRISTmas and a blessed New Year!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Letting Go, Looking Upward

We have all been offended at one time or another I am sure, but as Joyce Meyers points out in her book Power Thoughts "Believing the best of people is very helpful in the process of forgiving people who offended us."

Let's face it we all make mistakes we say things that are said in the heat of the moment, but that doesn't mean we have to hold on to the bitterness and anger. As Joyce Meyers points out once again in the same above mentioned book, "when we hold on to anger, we are not hurting the person we are angry at, but at ourselves."

That can be hard to comprehend sometimes, because so often our flesh gets in the way and our emotions get the best of us, but we can try and let things go and allow ourselves to heal, and though it may happen at a different pace for everyone, it should happen if we give it to the Lord.

God Bless

A Gift to Be Cherished

Life is a gift to be cherished and around Christmas we need to remember that, because at Christmas we are celebrating life, and rebirth, because without Christ we would truly not have anything to Celebrate.

I know that without Christ we would not have anything to Celebrate, and we learn through the life of Christ that life can be both to short and amazing. There is pain far to much sometimes but if we have the Lord on our side we know that life is a gift to be cherished.

I hope as we are opening our gifts this Christmas we remember it all started with an infant babe, the Son of man come to earth!!!! Christmas should be about Celebrating Christ and his amazing life.... And we should cherish those that are brought into our lifes.

God Bless

I write like
Margaret Atwood

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

Friday, December 17, 2010

In The Midst of Life Storms

I am a firm believer that the good Lord brings people into my life for a reason, so when I am blessed with a friend I treasure them, each and everyone for the person they are. I know that we may not always see eye to eye, and some of my closest friends and I get in arguments over the silliest things, but the fact that we are still friends speaks alot to me.

The fact of the matter is I am the type of friend who is going to be there for my friends when they need me, whether they want me to be or not LOL! In the end they usually end up thanking me for sticking by them. Because I am a firm believer that a true friend will stand beside you in the midst of the storms of life.

I try to look at the postive side of life, and the postive side of my family and friends, that is not to say I don't see the mistakes people make, but i know it is not my place to judge my friend, but to love them, because the good Lord calls me to love not to judge.

I do not have to condone what a person does, in order not to judge them, I just have to love them through the situation...

In Christs Love

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It Makes You Think

There are those minutes I find myself letting that enemy get into my heart...

I'm not good enough

I don't measure up

But I know that its not about that, the Lord has saved me and I live for him, but sometimes the flesh gets in the way.

I am far from perfect, but if we are honest with ourselves we are all far from perfect aren't we?

How is perfection defined anyway, because I certainly do not want the type of perfection that is described in earthy terms, no I desire for something more.

To live for the Lord and that is what I try to do.

I admit I falter from time to time, but he always reaches out when I need him.

I pray, I cry out and he hears my cries.

When no one else is around he is.

Copyright Michelle R Kidwell

What The Things of Christmas Symbolize to Christians

It's that time of the year again, Carolls are being sung, Santas are lining up at Malls, Trees are going up, and Nativitiy scenes, Candy Canes are popular items once again, but what do these things symbolize to those of us who believe?

The Candy Canes shape, is that of the Sheperds staff, and the colors red and white symbolize his blood and his purity:

The wreath is in the shape of the circle because it has no begining and end, just like God's kindgom has no begining and no ending. (Revelation 1:8)

The lights represent Jesus, because he is the light of the world! (John 8:12)

The Holly represents the Crown of thorns!

The Star is to mark the place where Jesus lay.

The Christmas Tree Symbol of the Jesse Tree the symbol of David's Father Jesse. It is from Christ's earthly Lineage. (Isaiah 11:1-2)

Santa Claus was actually based on Saint Nicolas Arch Bishop of Asian Minor in the Third Century he tossed coins of gold to the needy people in his area. His feast day is celebrated December.6 but Jesus is the only one who can give us the greatest gift of all ETERNAL LIFE!

The Christmas colors of red (representing Christ blood shed for our Sins John 19:34)
Green represents eternal life
White the Purity of Christ
Gold The Kingship and Royalty of Christ

Some of the info was gathered from....


God Bless


Monday, December 13, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

May you have a blessed Christmas this year. May you remember the true meaning of the season. If we take Christ out of Christmas then what are we truly celebrating? Let's not aim to be "Politically correct" but lets opt to remember why we celebrate this day!
I hope as you are celelbrating with those you care about, you take the time to remember the true meaning of the Season, the birth of our Savior born over two thousand years ago in an animal stable.