Friday, October 19, 2007

With A Little Help (A Blurb About My Third Book)

I had dreams of working with severly handicapped children, shortly after getting to college though I realized that in some ways my dreams had changed, and that now my greatest goal was to be published.
When I began writing while still a freshmen in highschool I had no idea that I would have that dream cary me so far. Then my biggest goal was to get out of highschool and get into college, I had dreams of working with severly handicapped children, shortly after getting to college though I realized that in some ways my dreams had changed, and that now my greatest goal was to be published. My first book Reflections On Life was published in 03, and my Grandma was alive then to see that book, a little over a year later A Collection of Memories came but by then Nonna was gone, but the dream remained as did the memory of Nonna and I dancing around the living room when I got the news that my first book was accepted. In 2005 With A Little Help a book I wrote with Karen Vidra and Karla Dorman was accepted for publication and in April of 2006 it went to the printers, this book some say shows my growth as a writer, and it gives a little more insite into my life, and the lives of Karen and Karla. The Lord has blessed me with the gifts of words, and I have inturn used that gift to glorify the Lord...As have Karen and Karla Michelle R Kidwell

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