I am currently in the middle of reading Ann Coulters book If Democats had Any Brains They'd Be Republicans, she once again brings some valid points, but the way she brings them about can be maddening at times. I have for awhile now admired Anne Coulters guts, in the ways she speaks about things, but when she calls Katie Couric the equivallent tot Hitlers Wife, I grow upset. I do not believe as Christians we should stoop that low.One area I do agree with her is in the are a of abortion, we really can not sugar coat the fact that a baby is being murdered. I have reasearched what happens in abortions because I often write about what the baby and what the Mother go through and when a baby is being aborted, the chances are they are going to feel pain, because the pain receptors that come along as the pregnancy progresses are not there yet, so we can imagine how it would feel to us, and intensify that by about a hundered.In the book I also found a quote she used that I liked about President Bush, like her I am Conversavtive and a Christian and I support Preseident Bush, although I do not think I could ever say some of the things she says, at least I hope I never get to the area where I do, that's not what Christ asks of us, but I digress, this qhote however hits the nail head on."President George W Bush is evidently the first mentally retarded person to get a Harvard M>B>A graduate from the U.S Air Force Flight School, be elected governor of Texas and be elected president of the United States Twice."The truth is far to often President Bush is judged as something he is not for the mistakes he has made, instead of being looked at for the things he has achieved.Copyright Michelle R KidwellNov.27.07
Thirty three year old Christian Author, with soon to be seven books published the first three poetry, and non fiction, the latest four are part of A Christian Mystery Series. I work with Children at my church as well and enjoy hanging out with my family and friends.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Rhyme Or Reason (A Political Blog of Sorts
I am currently in the middle of reading Ann Coulters book If Democats had Any Brains They'd Be Republicans, she once again brings some valid points, but the way she brings them about can be maddening at times. I have for awhile now admired Anne Coulters guts, in the ways she speaks about things, but when she calls Katie Couric the equivallent tot Hitlers Wife, I grow upset. I do not believe as Christians we should stoop that low.One area I do agree with her is in the are a of abortion, we really can not sugar coat the fact that a baby is being murdered. I have reasearched what happens in abortions because I often write about what the baby and what the Mother go through and when a baby is being aborted, the chances are they are going to feel pain, because the pain receptors that come along as the pregnancy progresses are not there yet, so we can imagine how it would feel to us, and intensify that by about a hundered.In the book I also found a quote she used that I liked about President Bush, like her I am Conversavtive and a Christian and I support Preseident Bush, although I do not think I could ever say some of the things she says, at least I hope I never get to the area where I do, that's not what Christ asks of us, but I digress, this qhote however hits the nail head on."President George W Bush is evidently the first mentally retarded person to get a Harvard M>B>A graduate from the U.S Air Force Flight School, be elected governor of Texas and be elected president of the United States Twice."The truth is far to often President Bush is judged as something he is not for the mistakes he has made, instead of being looked at for the things he has achieved.Copyright Michelle R KidwellNov.27.07
Monday, October 22, 2007
Don't Let the Sunset (Fiction)
We fought that morning, over something pety, I don't even rember what, but we fought. " God why did it have to be like that? " I remember him storming out of the house, something about being late for a buissness meeting, kissing the kids, who were both laying on the floor watching Seaseme street, telling them you loved them, promising them you'd read to them that night. We didn't even kiss each other that morning, didn't even say goodbye. We never got so mad we didn't say goodbye. We always made up, why not that day? I dropped the twins off at their Granny's and went to the library. I needed time to myself, time to think, time to write, time to read. Oprah's book club had a good selection that summer, and I hadn't read it, maybe I would see if they had it in. First I'd sit down at one of the round medal legged tables and write. I'd write Gary, and tell him I was sorry we got in argument, later when I got home I'd copy it on to lavender scented stationary and place it on his pillow, he'd read it while we were laying there. Jessica and Jimmie would probably come and crawl in between us, claiming there were monsters in their closet. Gary would fly them into there room, one at a time. lifting the child over his head, telling them to lay their arms and legs out straight. I'd smile as they gigled all the way into their room. " Daddy could you check the closet for monsters?" Jimmie would ask in that sweet way of hers. Gary would go through the closet until the girls were satsified there were no monsters in there, then they would smile that of their's that could melt the hardest of hearts and say: " Daddy we love you, you're the bestest Daddy in the whole wide world. " " And Mommy's the Bestest Mommy." One of the girls would add. Gary that night wasn't like that though. It was the nightmare that never ended. " The Towers have been hit, two planes have flied in to them. " Someone cried. Men, Children, Women, women carrying little children, running for there lifes. " Oh God where's Gary? " I held on to hope until the Sun began to set that night. I remembered we had once vowed never to let the sun set on our anger. It was a promise we had kept until that day. " Oh God I hope he knew I loved him, loved him from the very depth of my soul. " I didn't go back to that house until late that night, knowing that when I did I would feel, hear, and smell Gary everywhere in the house, but I had to go back, something told me I had too. When I saw the flickering red light on the answering machine, I knew who it was , before I even played the tape. " I love you vicki, I love you more than you know, if I don't get out of here I want you to know I died thanking God for you. " Oh Lord how am I going to explain to the girl's their only four? How do I tell them there Daddy's gone to Heaven, in a way they can understand. (c)Nov.14.2002 Michelle Renee Kidwell I've written about the 9/11 events before but never in the point of view of the wife of a victim. This is fictional, but the event was all to real!..
The Obedient Heart
Deuteronomy 5:3 "You shall have no other gods before [a] me. 4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments. 7 "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. 8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. 12 "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. 13 "You shall not murder. 14 "You shall not commit adultery. 15 "You shall not steal. 16 "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. 17 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." 18 When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance 19 and said to Moses, "Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die." 20 Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning." 21 The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was. Idols and Altars 22 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Tell the Israelites this: 'You have seen for yourselves that I have spoken to you from heaven: 23 Do not make any gods to be alongside me; do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold. 24 " 'Make an altar of earth for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, [b] your sheep and goats and your cattle. Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you. 25 If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it. 26 And do not go up to my altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it.'
Working with Children, I know the importance, of teaching our children obedience. I have seen how children act when they have no guidelines set before them. Children who are obedient, are more likely to succeed in life, because they already have those rules set down before them, and we need to teach them that obedience is important from a very young age. The guidelines the Lord has given us is the ten commandments, and we can teach our children the commandments in a simple way at a very young age. We want the children to understand that Jesus wants them to be obedient, Jesus loves an obedient heart.I am not a Mother, but when I have my nieces and nephews over, they have a few guidelines they know they must live, by and they know that when they are bad there will be punishment. It is important that they know that when they disobey God’s laws there will be repercussions as well. We need to follow God’s laws because just as our earthly parents set down rules for our own good so does our Heavenly Father. The Lord gives us these laws for our benefit, just as we teacher our children not to touch a hot stove for their benefit.As a child I learned the importance of being obedience, because when I wasn’t obedient I knew that a punishment would come. My parents were not overly strict, but they knew the importance of teaching me obedience, and because of that I am able to live by that example. I may not have always agreed with the punishments given to me for disobeying, but I learned quickly what was acceptable and what was not and I am able to pass those lessons on to the children I work with. I am able to show them by example what it is like to have an obedient heart, and serve Christ.Having an obedient heart and being perfect are to very different things. We can live our lives to serve Christ, and still not be perfect. Only Christ himself walked this earth living a perfect life, but we can repent when we are disobedient, and ask the Lord to forgive us he will forgive.Being obedient to Christ, in a world that more and more seems to be going against the very values, the very ways we as Christians are brought up by isn’t always easy. Our children are getting conflicting images of what is right and wrong, which makes it even more important that we teach our children what Christ wants from us, and we teach them what it means to have an obedient heart. We also need to teach our children how to make decisions that Christ would approve us, that is a very large part of having an obedient heart.Today I worked with the kids as I normal do, and the three year old decided she did not want to be obedient, so we had to discuss with her the importance of doing what Jesus would want her to do. I told her that Jesus wants her to be obedient, in the way a three year old can understand. She had to be told that Jesus does not like it when we are disobedient, it may not be easy for a three year old to understand, but if we share the lesson with them over and over again, they will understand.The three year old is the youngest child I work with, we go to a small church, and there are generally only a few kids, so I find it important that I lay down the rules in a way that they can all understand. The older children also know that they are expected to set an example of what it means to have an obedient heart. They know that the younger children are watching them, and that the younger children tend to follow by example, and if the older children are respectable generally the younger children will be too.I know too that as a member of the body of Christ, I need to lead by example. If the world sees that I am not leading a life that is pleasing to the Lord they will think that they don’t need to be a believer, because I am showing them that I do not follow the Lord’s commands, but if I lead my life with an obedient heart, and show the joy that I have in serving the Lord, that example will shine through in my walk with Christ. As I have stated it is important to show our children and non believers what it means to be obedient to Christ, babes in Christ need to have an example set before them just as parents set rules and boundaries before there children. The rules and boundaries are set to show what is acceptable and what is not, and are set for the good of us. We can not live our lives in a way that is not pleasing to the Lord, we have to follow the guidelines set before us by the Lord, through his word. The Bible.
Working with Children, I know the importance, of teaching our children obedience. I have seen how children act when they have no guidelines set before them. Children who are obedient, are more likely to succeed in life, because they already have those rules set down before them, and we need to teach them that obedience is important from a very young age. The guidelines the Lord has given us is the ten commandments, and we can teach our children the commandments in a simple way at a very young age. We want the children to understand that Jesus wants them to be obedient, Jesus loves an obedient heart.I am not a Mother, but when I have my nieces and nephews over, they have a few guidelines they know they must live, by and they know that when they are bad there will be punishment. It is important that they know that when they disobey God’s laws there will be repercussions as well. We need to follow God’s laws because just as our earthly parents set down rules for our own good so does our Heavenly Father. The Lord gives us these laws for our benefit, just as we teacher our children not to touch a hot stove for their benefit.As a child I learned the importance of being obedience, because when I wasn’t obedient I knew that a punishment would come. My parents were not overly strict, but they knew the importance of teaching me obedience, and because of that I am able to live by that example. I may not have always agreed with the punishments given to me for disobeying, but I learned quickly what was acceptable and what was not and I am able to pass those lessons on to the children I work with. I am able to show them by example what it is like to have an obedient heart, and serve Christ.Having an obedient heart and being perfect are to very different things. We can live our lives to serve Christ, and still not be perfect. Only Christ himself walked this earth living a perfect life, but we can repent when we are disobedient, and ask the Lord to forgive us he will forgive.Being obedient to Christ, in a world that more and more seems to be going against the very values, the very ways we as Christians are brought up by isn’t always easy. Our children are getting conflicting images of what is right and wrong, which makes it even more important that we teach our children what Christ wants from us, and we teach them what it means to have an obedient heart. We also need to teach our children how to make decisions that Christ would approve us, that is a very large part of having an obedient heart.Today I worked with the kids as I normal do, and the three year old decided she did not want to be obedient, so we had to discuss with her the importance of doing what Jesus would want her to do. I told her that Jesus wants her to be obedient, in the way a three year old can understand. She had to be told that Jesus does not like it when we are disobedient, it may not be easy for a three year old to understand, but if we share the lesson with them over and over again, they will understand.The three year old is the youngest child I work with, we go to a small church, and there are generally only a few kids, so I find it important that I lay down the rules in a way that they can all understand. The older children also know that they are expected to set an example of what it means to have an obedient heart. They know that the younger children are watching them, and that the younger children tend to follow by example, and if the older children are respectable generally the younger children will be too.I know too that as a member of the body of Christ, I need to lead by example. If the world sees that I am not leading a life that is pleasing to the Lord they will think that they don’t need to be a believer, because I am showing them that I do not follow the Lord’s commands, but if I lead my life with an obedient heart, and show the joy that I have in serving the Lord, that example will shine through in my walk with Christ. As I have stated it is important to show our children and non believers what it means to be obedient to Christ, babes in Christ need to have an example set before them just as parents set rules and boundaries before there children. The rules and boundaries are set to show what is acceptable and what is not, and are set for the good of us. We can not live our lives in a way that is not pleasing to the Lord, we have to follow the guidelines set before us by the Lord, through his word. The Bible.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Fight On (Life with NMD)
Fight on
But sometimes
I am so tired
I pray
And get the strength
I need for the day
But slowly things progress
Throat issues now
Falling a little more frequent
New meds help
Finally a doctor listens
But other issues as well
Sometimes I feel as if I am
Viewed as helpless
That I am not
Don't Judge Me please
I am going to Fight on
And in the end
I will have victory
Either way.
Copyright Michelle R Kidwell
11:46 P.M PST
Saturday, October 20, 2007
How Your Blog Can Help You Land a Book Deal
I have been keeping a blog for a couple of years now, and althought it has not given me a book deal it has helped publicize the books I already have published. I have foound that myspace can be used, but I am partial to a Christian blog site I belong to that has opened up new doors for me, and it has helped me to see the joy of blogging. I believe keeping a regular blog is crucial if you are an author, because it shows whats going on in your writing, it gives you a chance to post teasers, and network with other authors, as well as anyone who is interested in reading your book and that could lead to more book sales. Blogging can be almost addicting, and I know I have enjoyed not only posting teasers for my books, but ancidotes from the kids I work with in church, as well as my Nieces and Nephews. When I first began my journey as a blogger I didn't know what I was getting into, I was almost afraid of blogging at first, but now it seems like it has become second hand, it has helped me in my writing, and helped me through the grief of loosing the best friend who was like a sister to me. I know that my blogging buddies offered me encouragement through that, and have offered me encouragement for my writing as well. Keep Writing and Keep Blogging... http://www.myspace.com/michellerkidwell http://www.shoutlife.com/michellerkidwell http://anauthorslife.blogspot.com/ http://360.yahoo.com/my_profile-5ZTLJs08cqXudq_Ur5vpedDE8C.GXcvR;_ylt=AhRd8AT_U8_tAOFGFtni9Uq0AOJ3
Friday, October 19, 2007
Divided We Fall
A Nation divided can not stand...
How long can a nation divided against itself last? We may not think we are a divided nation, but that is quickly what we are becoming. A nation divided against itself, and in that case their are no winners only loosers. In a recent letter by David Wilkerson he talks about this being a bruised society, as well as posing several questions such as How Can a Nation that kills it's unborn stand? It's a good question, because abortionists and Mothers who really do not understand what they are doing or just don't care are slowly killing our future. When a nation is divided against itself and especially when it is divided against God it will certainly fall. In the Bible Jesus tells us A House Divided against itself can not stand (Luke 11:17) We are a divided nation but it is though who continue to seek the Lord, who are praying, fasting, reading the word and being intercessor for the Lord who are keeping the country from falling, but how much more can we take? David Wilkerson wrote in his letter entitled He Will Not Break A Bruised Reed about how in New York a teacher can bring a playboy or Koran to school, but if he brings a Bible he does so at the risk of loosing his job! What is wrong with this picture? Why is this happening in a society that's very foundation began with the pilgrims seeking for a way they could worship God freely, now we are taking God out of everything. Non Christians keep on throwing the seperation of Church and state into our face, but that was written to keep the state from running the Church not to keep the Church out of the state, but we are slowly pushing God out of our lives, and we wonder why this nation is on the brink of clasp. For several weeks after 9-11 we found more people returning to church and prayer, than we had seen in a long time, but now our numbers in the Churches has dwindled, and some churches have had to close their doors, we need to keep praying these people back in. We need to see Revival. A man that turns from God is going to face calamity in the Proverbs it shows us that, we need to turn to God and not from him like so many Americans have been doing lately. Proverbs 1:24-33(KJV): 24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. Why have we turned away from our Savior? Why have we as a nation taken God out of nearly everything, or tried to push him in a neat little corner to turn to when we need him? We should turn to him again, because without him we can not get through the trials in our lives, we can not face our Savior when our time comes and here him say Well done my good and faithful servant. Believers and non believers a like will be facing the Savior, and a Nation Divided will be facing his wrath, so lets keep praying, keep that ember burning for Christ, because an ember is the start of a fire, and we need to be on fire for the Lord! Copyright Michelle R Kidwell July.12.05
How long can a nation divided against itself last? We may not think we are a divided nation, but that is quickly what we are becoming. A nation divided against itself, and in that case their are no winners only loosers. In a recent letter by David Wilkerson he talks about this being a bruised society, as well as posing several questions such as How Can a Nation that kills it's unborn stand? It's a good question, because abortionists and Mothers who really do not understand what they are doing or just don't care are slowly killing our future. When a nation is divided against itself and especially when it is divided against God it will certainly fall. In the Bible Jesus tells us A House Divided against itself can not stand (Luke 11:17) We are a divided nation but it is though who continue to seek the Lord, who are praying, fasting, reading the word and being intercessor for the Lord who are keeping the country from falling, but how much more can we take? David Wilkerson wrote in his letter entitled He Will Not Break A Bruised Reed about how in New York a teacher can bring a playboy or Koran to school, but if he brings a Bible he does so at the risk of loosing his job! What is wrong with this picture? Why is this happening in a society that's very foundation began with the pilgrims seeking for a way they could worship God freely, now we are taking God out of everything. Non Christians keep on throwing the seperation of Church and state into our face, but that was written to keep the state from running the Church not to keep the Church out of the state, but we are slowly pushing God out of our lives, and we wonder why this nation is on the brink of clasp. For several weeks after 9-11 we found more people returning to church and prayer, than we had seen in a long time, but now our numbers in the Churches has dwindled, and some churches have had to close their doors, we need to keep praying these people back in. We need to see Revival. A man that turns from God is going to face calamity in the Proverbs it shows us that, we need to turn to God and not from him like so many Americans have been doing lately. Proverbs 1:24-33(KJV): 24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. Why have we turned away from our Savior? Why have we as a nation taken God out of nearly everything, or tried to push him in a neat little corner to turn to when we need him? We should turn to him again, because without him we can not get through the trials in our lives, we can not face our Savior when our time comes and here him say Well done my good and faithful servant. Believers and non believers a like will be facing the Savior, and a Nation Divided will be facing his wrath, so lets keep praying, keep that ember burning for Christ, because an ember is the start of a fire, and we need to be on fire for the Lord! Copyright Michelle R Kidwell July.12.05
Divided We Fall
A Nation divided can not stand...
How long can a nation divided against itself last? We may not think we are a divided nation, but that is quickly what we are becoming. A nation divided against itself, and in that case their are no winners only loosers. In a recent letter by David Wilkerson he talks about this being a bruised society, as well as posing several questions such as How Can a Nation that kills it's unborn stand? It's a good question, because abortionists and Mothers who really do not understand what they are doing or just don't care are slowly killing our future. When a nation is divided against itself and especially when it is divided against God it will certainly fall. In the Bible Jesus tells us A House Divided against itself can not stand (Luke 11:17) We are a divided nation but it is though who continue to seek the Lord, who are praying, fasting, reading the word and being intercessor for the Lord who are keeping the country from falling, but how much more can we take? David Wilkerson wrote in his letter entitled He Will Not Break A Bruised Reed about how in New York a teacher can bring a playboy or Koran to school, but if he brings a Bible he does so at the risk of loosing his job! What is wrong with this picture? Why is this happening in a society that's very foundation began with the pilgrims seeking for a way they could worship God freely, now we are taking God out of everything. Non Christians keep on throwing the seperation of Church and state into our face, but that was written to keep the state from running the Church not to keep the Church out of the state, but we are slowly pushing God out of our lives, and we wonder why this nation is on the brink of clasp. For several weeks after 9-11 we found more people returning to church and prayer, than we had seen in a long time, but now our numbers in the Churches has dwindled, and some churches have had to close their doors, we need to keep praying these people back in. We need to see Revival. A man that turns from God is going to face calamity in the Proverbs it shows us that, we need to turn to God and not from him like so many Americans have been doing lately. Proverbs 1:24-33(KJV): 24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. Why have we turned away from our Savior? Why have we as a nation taken God out of nearly everything, or tried to push him in a neat little corner to turn to when we need him? We should turn to him again, because without him we can not get through the trials in our lives, we can not face our Savior when our time comes and here him say Well done my good and faithful servant. Believers and non believers a like will be facing the Savior, and a Nation Divided will be facing his wrath, so lets keep praying, keep that ember burning for Christ, because an ember is the start of a fire, and we need to be on fire for the Lord! Copyright Michelle R Kidwell July.12.05
How long can a nation divided against itself last? We may not think we are a divided nation, but that is quickly what we are becoming. A nation divided against itself, and in that case their are no winners only loosers. In a recent letter by David Wilkerson he talks about this being a bruised society, as well as posing several questions such as How Can a Nation that kills it's unborn stand? It's a good question, because abortionists and Mothers who really do not understand what they are doing or just don't care are slowly killing our future. When a nation is divided against itself and especially when it is divided against God it will certainly fall. In the Bible Jesus tells us A House Divided against itself can not stand (Luke 11:17) We are a divided nation but it is though who continue to seek the Lord, who are praying, fasting, reading the word and being intercessor for the Lord who are keeping the country from falling, but how much more can we take? David Wilkerson wrote in his letter entitled He Will Not Break A Bruised Reed about how in New York a teacher can bring a playboy or Koran to school, but if he brings a Bible he does so at the risk of loosing his job! What is wrong with this picture? Why is this happening in a society that's very foundation began with the pilgrims seeking for a way they could worship God freely, now we are taking God out of everything. Non Christians keep on throwing the seperation of Church and state into our face, but that was written to keep the state from running the Church not to keep the Church out of the state, but we are slowly pushing God out of our lives, and we wonder why this nation is on the brink of clasp. For several weeks after 9-11 we found more people returning to church and prayer, than we had seen in a long time, but now our numbers in the Churches has dwindled, and some churches have had to close their doors, we need to keep praying these people back in. We need to see Revival. A man that turns from God is going to face calamity in the Proverbs it shows us that, we need to turn to God and not from him like so many Americans have been doing lately. Proverbs 1:24-33(KJV): 24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. Why have we turned away from our Savior? Why have we as a nation taken God out of nearly everything, or tried to push him in a neat little corner to turn to when we need him? We should turn to him again, because without him we can not get through the trials in our lives, we can not face our Savior when our time comes and here him say Well done my good and faithful servant. Believers and non believers a like will be facing the Savior, and a Nation Divided will be facing his wrath, so lets keep praying, keep that ember burning for Christ, because an ember is the start of a fire, and we need to be on fire for the Lord! Copyright Michelle R Kidwell July.12.05
Welcome Addition (Its a Boy)
Welcome Addition (Its a Boy!)
Friday, October 19, 2007 - 9:23 PM
One of my cousins had her second child at the end of September, just got pics of him and her oldest today, had a nice conversation as well...
Welcome addition
A small bundle of joy
You are a treasure
That's for sure
I pray the Lord Watches over
Both YouAnd Big Sister
And that he watches Over Mommy and Daddy too.
May you always know whatLove and laughter is.Both of you.
Approach With Humor
Warning Humor may be hazardous to your depression.
Approach With Humor
Monday, September 17, 2007 - 12:02 AM
I have learned through the children I teach and through the life I lead, the things I suffer, that there are times you need to approach life with humor, laughter is truly a healing balm and so I try to have a time for laughter sometimes its playing with the babies in my life, on Saturday Nights its Bannana's, and on week days, its turning on Reruns of Reba, because laughter is truly a healing balm and its not something you can overdose on.I love reading funny books as well right now I am reading Barbara Johnson's book I am So Glad You Told Me What I Didn't Want to Hear, I have read many of her books and often find myself rereading them, one of my favorite quotes from the book is Mental Floss Regularly with God's Work to Truth Decay, followed by Warning Humor may be hazardous to your depression.I believe the Lord does not want us always to be sad but he wants us to laugh, he wants us to feel joy, he wants us to experience joy as well as sorrow.So I say lets approach life with humor...
Approach With Humor
Monday, September 17, 2007 - 12:02 AM
I have learned through the children I teach and through the life I lead, the things I suffer, that there are times you need to approach life with humor, laughter is truly a healing balm and so I try to have a time for laughter sometimes its playing with the babies in my life, on Saturday Nights its Bannana's, and on week days, its turning on Reruns of Reba, because laughter is truly a healing balm and its not something you can overdose on.I love reading funny books as well right now I am reading Barbara Johnson's book I am So Glad You Told Me What I Didn't Want to Hear, I have read many of her books and often find myself rereading them, one of my favorite quotes from the book is Mental Floss Regularly with God's Work to Truth Decay, followed by Warning Humor may be hazardous to your depression.I believe the Lord does not want us always to be sad but he wants us to laugh, he wants us to feel joy, he wants us to experience joy as well as sorrow.So I say lets approach life with humor...
Reflections on Life (First Book Preview)
Jan 1 2003
A collection of my poetry being published by Publish America
Words Unspoken Words unspoken, Don’t necessarily go unheard, A Mother’s smile, A child’s laughter, Tears shed, A quiet moment shared, Can not be captured With a thousand words. (C) Michelle R Kidwell
A Collection of Memories (Blurb For Second Book)
Poet Michelle R Kidwell has her second collection of poetry entitled A Collection of Memories released through publishamerica available for purchase now. A Collection of Memories is a collection of inspirational and life poetry that has been written over a long period of time. If you like the poetry of such poets as Helen Steiner Rice and Emily Dickinson you may enjoy the poetry of Michelle R Kidwell. The poetry is simple yet holds meaning, and shares of faith, of love and friendship, and other life memories. The book is available through the publisher at http://www.publishamerica.com/ for the introductory rate of $16.95 plus three dollars shipping and handling.
With A Little Help (A Blurb About My Third Book)
I had dreams of working with severly handicapped children, shortly after getting to college though I realized that in some ways my dreams had changed, and that now my greatest goal was to be published.
When I began writing while still a freshmen in highschool I had no idea that I would have that dream cary me so far. Then my biggest goal was to get out of highschool and get into college, I had dreams of working with severly handicapped children, shortly after getting to college though I realized that in some ways my dreams had changed, and that now my greatest goal was to be published. My first book Reflections On Life was published in 03, and my Grandma was alive then to see that book, a little over a year later A Collection of Memories came but by then Nonna was gone, but the dream remained as did the memory of Nonna and I dancing around the living room when I got the news that my first book was accepted. In 2005 With A Little Help a book I wrote with Karen Vidra and Karla Dorman was accepted for publication and in April of 2006 it went to the printers, this book some say shows my growth as a writer, and it gives a little more insite into my life, and the lives of Karen and Karla. The Lord has blessed me with the gifts of words, and I have inturn used that gift to glorify the Lord...As have Karen and Karla http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1413788424/qid=1150786545/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-7284878-1161635?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 Michelle R Kidwell
When I began writing while still a freshmen in highschool I had no idea that I would have that dream cary me so far. Then my biggest goal was to get out of highschool and get into college, I had dreams of working with severly handicapped children, shortly after getting to college though I realized that in some ways my dreams had changed, and that now my greatest goal was to be published. My first book Reflections On Life was published in 03, and my Grandma was alive then to see that book, a little over a year later A Collection of Memories came but by then Nonna was gone, but the dream remained as did the memory of Nonna and I dancing around the living room when I got the news that my first book was accepted. In 2005 With A Little Help a book I wrote with Karen Vidra and Karla Dorman was accepted for publication and in April of 2006 it went to the printers, this book some say shows my growth as a writer, and it gives a little more insite into my life, and the lives of Karen and Karla. The Lord has blessed me with the gifts of words, and I have inturn used that gift to glorify the Lord...As have Karen and Karla http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1413788424/qid=1150786545/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-7284878-1161635?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 Michelle R Kidwell
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