Thursday, March 25, 2010

One Writer's Life...My Words His Gift...

I sit here trying to think about what to write, how I should be better at updating this blog, this is the life of me, Michelle R Kidwell a five time published author, nothing glamourous but I get by, I cherish the ones I care about friends and family alike, but sometimes I care to much and get hurt in the process of caring, I am told I am overly sensitive or a dreamer, well in order to be a writer I would think I would have to be a dreamer so that one does not really bother me.

One author says even when I am not writing, I am writing and I find that true in my life as well, when I am walking, dreaming, sleeping even talking I am in an essence building seeds for writing, but the glory is not mine but the good Lord's.

I am sensitive and feel things deeply, easily hurt, and easily walked on unfortunately but am learning to develop a thicker skin. I do not think being sensitive is a bad thing in itself, but when it gets to the point that people even so called friends look at you and see a target on your head that says go ahead and hurt me.

Whether I am writing fiction or non fiction I pour myself into my writing, my emotions, my feelings, and my experiences are poured into what I do...

My writing to me has saved me in more ways than one but the Lord's blood was what truly saved me and I give him the glory for the gift of words, even if I have moments when I feel like hitting my head against the keyboard when the words won't come...

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