Friday, April 11, 2008

Thistles, Rocks and Sin

When I was younger my Dad used to take me rock climbing, (before our relationship became strained) and I felt safe on those rocks that rose hundreds of feet from the earth, because I could feel my Dad's strong arm gripping my hand. I never once fell, he always kept me safe, while my Mom sat back teeth gritting.Sometimes I feel like I am on those rocks again, but these rocks are built with sin, and I need to reach out for my Abba Fathers hands. He reaches out for me when I fall just like my Dad did when I was a little girl on those larger than life rocks.As I was reading Amy Grant's Memoir entiled Mosaic, I came across a quote that I found would fit my thoughts for today. "Sin is alot like a thistle, it can look beautiful to the eye, and be pleasing to the sentence, that you hardly notice the seeds spreading until whole fields are taken over by them." Paraphrase mine.That's alot like the sins in our life one sin will often lead to another until our life is immersed in sin, I am not saying as Christians we will never sin, but as Christians we should be quick to repent. We should not let the sins choke the life out of us, the way the thistles choke the life out of the plants.

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